Recruiting for 2022 Busan/Ulsan/Gyeongnam Field Trip📣

[Sponsored] We are looking for foreign travelers who will promote the hidden charms of Busan/Ulsan/Gyeongnam!

✅Apply through this link!

Busan Trip recruitment

We are looking for foreign travelers who will promote the hidden charms of Busan/Ulsan/Gyeongnam!💛💚

■ Recruitment Schedule (⚠️Schedule is different only for the first round!)

– Recruitment : 22.09.21(Wed)~10.04(Tue) / *1st round : ~22.09.28(Wed)

– Selection date : 22.10.07(Fri) / *1st round : ~22.09.30(Fri)

(*Selected participants will be notified individually on selection date.)

■ Field Trip Schedule & Themes

– Round 1 : 22.10.07(Fri)~10.09(Sun) / Local

– Round 2 : 22.10.21(Fri)~10.23(Sun) / Ocean

– Round 3 : 22.10.28(Fri)~10.30(Sun) / Hallyu

■ Number of people : 30 people per session

■ Qualifications

1) Knowledge and interest in the Busan/Ulsan/Gyeongnam regions

2) Runs a travel-related social media channel (✔️Instagram(*required)/YouTube/Blog etc)

3) Ability to create contents to promote the BuUlGyeong regions

■ Benefits

1) All costs for accommodations, food, and experiences will be supported.

(Only transport fees within the stipulated region of BuUlGyeong will be supported.)

2) Certificate of Completion given upon completion of content creation

3) Added benefits and prizes for excellent content creators

■ For more inquiries, please email ‘’

✅Apply through this link!

✅Application is open to all foreigners regardless of nationality.

#buulgyeong #koreatrip #korea #busan #ulsan #gyeongnam

※This recruitment is operated by but the actual tour will be run by The SMC corporation.

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